Blau's Blog

Personal website / blog covering furry, gaming, Second Life, computers, etc


I write things you can read! If you want to!

Furcodes and Furcode 2.0

Categories: [From Cohost], [Furry]

Back in mid 2023, I made some posts on Cohost about Furcodes - coded strings of info that folks can decode to get info about you, your relationship to furry, your interests, and so on. I remember encountering these way back, I believe on FurAffinity, back in... the late 00s, early 10s? Not very long...

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Blau's Skyrim Mod List: June 2023

Categories: [From Cohost], [Video Games], [Skyrim]

This post was migrated from Cohost. It was originally posted June 19, 2023. It has been copied as-is; I have not checked to confirm if the mods listed below are still listed.

Mostly just making this so I can share with my friends, but these are the mods I'm using on my current save. Maybe you'll find something new!

My current save character is Harrava - a Khajiit mage. Her skills focus on Illusion, Restoration, Conjuration, Enchanting, Alchemy, Archery, and Sneak. (If you want to know more about Harrava, I have a tag for her; I plan on writing more about her on my main account)1

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Blau's Dual Boot Adventures

Categories: [Computers], [From Cohost], [Blau's Adventures]

This post has been copied over from my old blog.

I originally live-posted this on Cohost, then summarized it on an old Mastodon account. I figured this was a good place to retell, as I call it, The Fucking Saga.

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